Affinity Living Registration Process
2025-2026 Affinity Housing Registration
Affinity living is a great opportunity for students with shared interests or identities to live with one another in District House in dedicated 16 or 20 person community suites.
Affinity suites for the 2025-2026 year are formed in one of three methods. If interested in exploring affinity living, follow guidance most relevant to you.
- Current Affinity Suites Interested in Continuing the Affinity
Campus Living & Residential Education welcomes current 2024-2025 academic year affinities to express interest in continuing the suite going into fall 2025.
Steps to Take
If interested in continuing your suite going into Fall 2025, contact District House Community Coordinators Joy Flournoy ([email protected]) and Rai Baltimore ([email protected]).
Note: continuing affinity suites from year-to-year is not guaranteed and CLRE will determine if an interested affinity suite may continue into future years.
- New Affinity Suites Formed by Campus Living & Residential Education
Any new Affinity groups for the 2025-2026 academic year will be announced soon!
Steps to Take
During General Housing Registration (February 20 - March 7), students will have the opportunity to express interest in one of these new affinity living opportunities. Expressing interest does not guarantee placement in the affinity suite. Students will learn of any potential affinity placement when housing assignments are released on Wednesday, April 2.
Note: roommate groups are welcome to indicate affinity interest
- New Affinity Groups Self-Created By Students
Campus Living & Residential Education welcomes rising 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th year students to form self-created groups to explore affinity living. Groups must have some shared interest or identity to be eligible for affinity living.
Steps to Take
If interested in creating an affinity suite group, complete the following 2025-2026 Affinity Living application:
Have questions about affinity living or the application for new affinity groups? Reach out to District House Community Coordinators Joy Flournoy ([email protected]) and Rai Baltimore ([email protected]).
Note on Housing Registration and Affinity Living
- Affinity suites are only available for the fall and spring semesters, and are not available for summer housing periods.
- All students who will live in a District House affinity suite must complete housing registration via the GW Home portal.
- Room and Roommate Assignments
- Student-Formed and -Led Affinities: all room assignments in student-formed and -led affinity suites are determined by the leader of the affinity
- CLRE-Formed Affinities: all room assignments in affinity suites formed by Campus Living & Residential Education (Sober Living, LGBTQIA+, International Student, Asian and Pacific Islander) will be made by CLRE, using roommate matching information provided by students during housing registration. CLRE reserves the right to adjust room assignments and if necessary, remove a student from an affinity suite housing assignment if they do not align with the stated goals of that affinity.
- While there is no deadline for a new self-formed group of students to inform CLRE of interest in creating an affinity suite, the longer a group waits, the less likely there is for affinity suites to be available. CLRE typically fills all affinity suite spaces by mid-July.