Gender-Inclusive Housing

Gender-inclusive housing (GIH) allows students who identify as different genders or have a different biological sex to live together in one apartment or room.

All students will be asked if they are comfortable living with students of a different gender. This opt-in program will allow students of different genders/sexes to be assigned to the same room or apartment. During the housing registration process, students will create a roommate group with any students who desire to form a gender-inclusive group.

Students who do not opt-in to GIH will continue to be assigned to co-ed buildings, but not to the same room.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which residence halls offer gender-inclusive housing?

The gender-inclusive housing option is not limited to a particular residence and will be available in any residence open to the student as determined by their class year. Students will simply create a roommate group with students they desire to live with.  As with any roommate match, all matches must be mutual.

Who can take advantage of this living option?

This program is intended for students who wish to share a room or apartment with friends of a different gender or biological sex. It is open to students of all class years. As with any on-campus housing option, it is not intended for romantic couples. GW hopes that this housing option will provide a safe and inclusive housing opportunity for students who identify as transgender or non-binary, as well as for any student who prefers to live with students of a different gender or biological sex than their own.

How does the program work?

Students interested in this option must:

  • Form a roommate group with peers. Groups can be created among any student
  • Complete housing registration during their designated registration period
Will random roommates be assigned in a gender-inclusive room?

Students will not be matched with a random roommates through this process. Please  contact Campus Living and Residential Education if you are interested in gender-inclusive housing but do not have a requested roommate.

What if my roommate group does not match the room type we want to live in?

As with any roommate group, keep in mind that your intended roommate pairings must match the size of the rooms available to you.  For example, if you are a group of two, you should set your preference for a 2-person unit when you apply.

What happens if one of the roommates cancels their assignment or leaves mid-year?

If one resident cancels or leaves during the year, the remaining resident(s) can request another roommate. If a vacancy exists in a gender-inclusive room, Campus Living & Residential Education will take into account the wish of the remaining resident(s) for the gender identity of an potential new roommate.

What happens if there is a roommate conflict?

If a student has a conflict with a roommate because of differences in lifestyles or gender identity, they should talk to their Community Coordinator or Area Coordinator. Another resource available to students is the LGBTQIA+ Resource Center.

Is there a room change process?

Due to the unique nature of gender-inclusive housing, residents of these rooms are not able to participate in the online room swap process. Residents should contact Campus Living and Residential Education if they are interested in moving to a different room.