Important Dates for Living on Campus
Breaks are an important part of the academic year. For the 2024-2025 academic year, important housing-specific dates for breaks and the associated processes are provided for reference.
Information regarding dates for housing registration may be found via dedicated Housing Registration pages.
Important Dates: 2024-2025 Academic Year
Fall Move-In | Wednesday, August 14 - Wednesday, August 21 |
Fall Break (residence halls remain open) | Thursday, October 10 - Saturday, October 12 |
Thanksgiving Break (residence halls remain open) | Monday, November 25 - Saturday, November 30 |
Fall Move-Out Deadline: graduates and non-Spring residents | Wednesday, December 18 (5 pm EST) |
Winter Break (residence halls closed*) | Thursday, December 19 - Saturday, January 11 (9am EST) |
Spring Break (residence halls remain open) | Monday, March 10 - Saturday, March 15 |
Spring Move-Out Deadline: non-graduates (residence halls closed*) | Sunday, May 11 (5pm EST) |
Spring Move-Out Deadline: graduates (residence halls closed*) | Monday, May 19 (12pm EST) |
Important Deadlines and Reminders
CLRE runs several processes around residence hall late stays at closures, signing up for housing, swapping rooms, and more. The important dates to know for each of these processes are outlined below:
Process | Timeframe |
Summer Room Swap | Closed July 18 |
Fall Room Swap | Tuesday, September 12 - Monday, October 14 |
Winter Break Housing Requests Open | Opening in October |
Winter Break Housing Requests Requests Close | Closing in early December |
End-of-year Extended Stay Requests Open | Opening in late April |
End-of-year Extended Stay Requests Close | Closing in the first week of May |
Leaving Campus During Breaks
Building Closures
Residence halls close only during Winter Break and after Spring Commencement. Residential students are welcome to stay in their assigned space on campus during Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, and Spring Break. No action is required to access rooms during these break periods. During Winter Break and after Spring Commencement, residence halls close and CLRE will consider late departures/early arrivals on a case-by-case basis. GWorld access will be turned off while residence halls are closed unless late departure/early arrival is approved through CLRE. Winter Break Housing requests open in November, and End-of-year Extended Stay requests open in late April. Questions about break housing can be sent to [email protected].
Preparing your Room for an Extended Leave
When preparing to leave for a break period, CLRE recommends several steps to ensure your room stays in the best condition:
- Dispose of trash and remove all perishable foods.
- Close and lock windows. Close your blinds if you live on the ground floor; otherwise, leave your blinds open.
- Set your thermostat to 72 degrees.
- Unplug electrical appliances except for aquariums and refrigerators.
- Water plants and feed your fish.
- Turn off the lights.
- Take all necessary personal items you may need over the break – medication, passport, GWorld card, etc.