Safety & Security
If you are seeking emergency assistance, call 911 or GW Emergency Services at (202) 994-6111.
The safety of our GW residential community is our highest priority. All of our residence halls require students to use their GWorld IDs to gain access to their buildings and their assigned rooms, as our residential spaces are closed to the public. We also work closely with the GW Police Department and GW Campus Safety to maximize student safety.
GW Safety Resources
GW Guardian is a free, personal safety app designed specifically for members of the GW community. It offers an additional layer of security to the University’s emergency mass notification services and enables users both on- and off-campus to:
- Receive targeted emergency notifications, alerts, and advisories;
- Directly access important Safety & Support Services contacts and resources;
- Set Safety Timers and assign virtual Guardians to monitor users’ safety late at night or while traveling;
- Connect directly with emergency services, such as GW Police, EMeRG, and 911.
To learn more, visit our GW Guardian Website and download the app for iPhone or Android.
GW SafeRide, formerly known as 4Ride, provides a free and safe ride to/from Foggy Bottom residence halls and academic buildings during late-night hours for students, faculty, and staff who prefer not to walk alone. This SafeRide service operates seven days a week from 7pm until 4am. GW SafeRide operates during the academic year except on designated university holidays.
GW Alert
The University's notification system sends emergency alerts to email addresses and cell phones (text messages). Students should keep their contact information up to date by logging into the GW Alert Portal using their GW UserID and password. Parents and families can sign up for it too!
Campus Advisories
Campus Advisories is the university's primary website used for communicating emergency preparedness and incident-related information to the GW community.
Safety in the Residence Halls
The George Washington University conducts individual room inspections to ensure the safety and security of students living in residence halls. Room inspections are conducted in accordance with GW Housing License Agreement(s) (undergraduate and graduate), university policies, and local statutes. Inspections take place three times per year, once each semester and once in the summer. One inspection is announced and two are unannounced.
GW Safety & Security also has a full list of items that are prohibited on campus.