Returning Students

2024-2025 Housing Registration

Returning Student Housing Registration

*This is an informational page for students currently enrolled at GW for spring 2024. The housing registration process for new, incoming first-year and transfer students will begin in May 2024.

The George Washington University requires all first- and second-year students to reside on campus unless they are approved for a residency requirement exemption. All rising second-year students for the 2024-2025 academic year are required to live on campus unless approved for a residency exemption. 

Rising third- and fourth-year students may participate in the housing registration process, but are not required to do so. Campus Living & Residential Education (CLRE) anticipates being able to provide housing for every rising third- and fourth-year student who desires on-campus housing. If a rising third- or fourth-year student registers and is assigned to on-campus housing, they are bound to the terms and conditions of the Housing License Agreement.

Housing at GW is based on class year. This is determined using the year a student was admitted to the university, not necessarily the number of academic credits a student has. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the following class years register for returning student housing:

  • Class of 2027 students = Rising 2nd-year students
  • Class of 2026 students = Rising 3rd-year students
  • Class of 2025 students = Rising 4th-year students
  • Class of 2024 students = Rising 5th-year students

Housing REGISTRATION Process

CLRE is excited to release the details and processes for all current students to select their housing for the 2024-2025 academic year. We know that deciding where to live on campus can be a daunting and overwhelming task for students. This year we have worked to make the registration process as smooth as possible and continue to provide students choice when registering for housing. The on-campus housing process for the academic year 2024-2025 begins in February 2024 for GW students currently enrolled in spring 2024. In addition to this overview, registration information will be sent directly to eligible students via email.

Housing Registration Timeline

Housing registration will only be available for access during its "open" time period. Once a specific registration period closes, registration will become unavailable to students. When planning to register for housing please ensure that you are registering within the right time period for your desired registration option.

What’s Open or Available? Dates Steps to Take

Students may begin to complete roommate matching questions, form roommate groups, and search for potential roommates

Opens Thursday, February 1 at 12:00 PM EST
Closes Wednesday, March 20 at 4:00 PM EST

In GW Home portal, click "Housing Registration" to begin these initial steps
Room Renewal Period
(for students who are eligible and choose to participate)

Opens Wednesday, February 14 at 12:00 PM EST
Closes Wednesday, February 21 at 4:00 PM EST

When open, in GW Home portal, click "Housing Registration" and follow prompts to complete Room Renewal
General Housing Registration Period
(for students not eligible or participating in Room Renewal)

Opens Wednesday, February 28 at 12:00 PM EST
Closes Wednesday, March 20 at 4:00 PM EST

When open, in GW Home portal, click "Housing Registration" and follow prompts to complete housing registration
Housing Assignments Released
(for students who register during General Housing Registration Period)
Thursday, April 4 On April 4, find room assignment in GW Home portal

Late Housing Registration Open
(for those in need of housing / required to live on-campus during the 2024-2025 academic year)

Re-Opens Friday, April 5 When re-opened, in GW Home portal, click "Housing Registration" and follow prompts to complete housing registration


Key Notes on Housing Registration

Myth: Completing Housing Registration Quickly is Better

Housing assignments are not given on a first-come, first-serve basis, and there is no incentive to register for housing quickly. There is no advantage or reason to complete an action right when that period begins. We want students to take their time deciding what direction they want to go and we’ve built lengthy periods of time into the process for this reason.

Helpful Advice: Students with DSS Housing Accommodations

Campus Living & Residential Education works collaboratively with Disability Support Services (DSS) to foster a climate of universal academic excellence, while also promoting disability culture and GW’s broader diversity and inclusion initiatives. If you need accommodations for housing and have not worked with DSS, visit the DSS Housing Accommodations page and follow the steps to request an accommodation with DSS. Students who already have approved housing accommodations from DSS do not need to contact the DSS team regarding their housing accommodation. All housing accommodations carry over from year-to-year.

If a student has an approved DSS housing accommodation and lives in a room that meets their housing accommodation(s), they may participate in Room Renewal to keep their room if their current residence hall is eligible for Room Renewal. 

For students with housing accommodations who are not eligible / don’t participate in Room Renewal: 

  • Students who can't or don't participate in Room Renewal will register for housing during the general student registration period: Feb 28 - Mar 20.
  • Students with approved DSS housing accommodations will not register in any early DSS-specific period. However, select assignment priority will be given to students with DSS housing accommodations when housing assignments are made by Campus Living & Residential Education. Priority is provided to students who have housing accommodations for specific room occupancy (ex: singles, singles in suites, doubles), private bathrooms and/or kitchens, accessible units. This priority ensures CLRE can assign students to rooms that meet their accommodation. All other DSS-approved housing accommodations will be met via eventual housing assignment, but do not receive priority in assignment over other students.
  • Rising 2nd-year students whose DSS housing accommodations can only be met by living in specific residence halls may be assigned there.
  • Rising 3rd and 4th year students with DSS accommodations for singles with private bathrooms that can only be accommodated in a 2nd year hall may be assigned there.
How it Works: Housing Assignment Priority

After the general housing registration period is complete on March 20, Campus Living & Residential Education will assign students in the following order of priority. The higher the priority, the more likely a student is to receive higher-preferenced residence halls and room types:

  1. Students with DSS Housing Accommodations approved for specific room occupancy (ex: single, singles in suites, doubles), private bathrooms and/or kitchens, accessible units
  2. Rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th year students and roommate groups made up of exclusively rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th year students
  3. Roommate groups led by 3rd, 4th, and 5th year students, with rising 2nd year students as members
    • Pro tip: Creating a roommate group with mix of rising 2nd-year and 3rd/4th/5th year students? Have the rising 3rd/4th/5th year student be the group leader!
  4. Rising 2nd year students and roommates groups led or made up of exclusively rising 2nd year students

All students who register for housing by March 20, regardless of assignment priority, will learn of their housing assignments on Thursday, April 4. 


All processes and tasks for 2024-2025 housing registration will happen via the GW Home portal.

Enter GW Home Portal


New for the 2024-2025 Academic Year: Introducing 2nd-Year Halls

Beginning in Fall 2024, Campus Living & Residential Education will introduce a new type of residence hall designation: 2nd-year residence halls. These buildings will consist exclusively of 2nd-year students as we work to ensure 2nd-year students have the best community living environment available, the chance to live among peers in their second year of college, and engagement opportunities relevant to 2nd year students.

2nd-Year residence halls for the 2024-2025 academic year are 2109 F Street, Building JJ, FSK Hall, Fulbright Hall, JBKO Hall, Lafayette Hall, and Munson Hall. Note that rising 2nd-year students are also eligible to live in other upperclass residence halls.

View 2024-2025 Residence Halls

New Roommate Matching Questions for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Campus Living & Residential Education knows that roommate compatibility is of utmost importance to students that live together. Housing registration for the 2024-2025 academic year will introduce a new set of roommate matching questions. For students who don't identify specific people to live with, these questions will help students be assigned with roommates that are as compatible as possible.

View the New Roommate Matching Questions

The New GW Home Portal

As housing registration for the fall 2024 and spring 2025 semester begins, students will notice a new home for housing- and dining-related processes: GW Home. The GW Home portal is a user-friendly system to complete important housing tasks, like registering for housing, creating roommate groups, requesting exemptions to the residency requirement, viewing individualized housing assignment and meal plan information, and more.

Enter GW Home Portal

Students will continue to use the Campus Living eServices Portal for tasks or info related to Spring 2024 housing. For housing related needs for Summer 2024 housing, 2024-2025 academic year housing, and beyond, students should use the new GW Home portal.

Preparing for Housing Registration to Open

Here is information to help you prepare before housing registration opens for you:  

  • We will send you an email on designated dates to notify you that the GW Home portal is open to accepting your registration.  The email will include a link to access the GW Home portal.  
  • Please do not share the registration email with your friends as information provided may be customized to you.
  • To avoid overwhelming the system resources, the GW Home portal only allows a limited number of students to enter the system at one time. 
  • The GW Home portal will remain open hours of the day during designated registration periods.
Your Guide to Housing Registration Success

With GW Home as new housing portal, we know this will be a new experience for you to complete housing registration steps. We have a GW Home Housing Registration Guide crafted by the CLRE team to help you succeed!

View the Housing Registration Guide

Housing Rates

2024-2025 housing costs will be published early the week of February 5, 2024. Meal plans and associated rates will be published by GW Dining early the week of February 5, 2024.

Building Options

View our available residence halls for rising 2nd-, 3rd-, 4th-, and 5th-year students. Learn more about the prevalence of various room types during returning student housing registration.

Roommate Groups

You will be able to form roommate groups throughout the 2024-2025 housing registration process. Important details on forming roommate groups.

  • The person that starts the roommate group will become the “Group Leader.” The group leader has significant control over who joins the group and where the group may be assigned to live. Students should be thoughtful when determining who will be the leader.
  • The Group Leader should be the member with the highest class year. Groups with rising 3rd/4th/5th year students as leaders receive priority in housing assignments over groups with rising 2nd-year students as leaders.
  • The Group Leader will create a Group Name and Group Password, and share the name and password with friends desired to be in the roommate group. Students should not share the Group Name and Group Password with people who they don't want in their roommate group.
  • Individuals may join roommate groups using the shared Group Name and Group Password. The leader of the group will then acrept each person’s place in the group. Once everyone desired is accepted into the group, the group is confirmed.
  • Students cannot be a member or a leader of more than one roommate group.
  • Students can form a roommate group with students who are not in their class year. However, rising upperclass students (classes of 2025, 2026, 2027) cannot live with first-year students (class of 2028).
  • Unaccepted roommate group invitations are one of the biggest drivers of desired roommates not getting assigned in a room together. Completely forming roommate groups is critical.

Roommate groups could be split up if the group size doesn’t fit with any available rooms that we have of that size. In the rare instance that a group is split up and wants to undertake a swap of assignments to create more ideal small groups, please contact us. We’re happy to facilitate swaps that are occurring as a result of roommate groups getting split up.

Individuals Not Part of a Roommate Group

Upperclass students who choose not to form or become part of a group of roommates will participate as an individual student. Many students choose not to form roommate groups with others each year and "going random" is more common than many students realize. 

If a student chooses to proceed through the housing registration process as an individual, it is important for them to understand that registering for housing as an individual student does not mean that they are solely registering for single housing accommodations. Please be aware there are very few singles on our campus, students may not get the room or building of your choice and instead will be placed into a room with roommates. 

Cancelling Housing After Registering

Rising 3rd, 4th, or 5th Year Students Cancelling Housing to Live Off-Campus:

  • Rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th year students may cancel their housing at any time in order to live off-campus. However, there is a deadline to cancel housing for no fee: June 30. After this deadline, all rising 3rd, 4th or 5th Year students cancelling housing for the sole purpose of living off-campus will be charged a $1,000 cancellation fee.
  • Cancellation fees do not apply at any time for any other approved reason for cancelling housing

Students Studying Abroad in Fall 2024: 

  • If a student is considering or unsure about studying abroad in Fall 2024, they should still register for 2024-2025 housing and then cancel their 2024-2025 housing once their study abroad plan/program is confirmed. They can then register for spring 2025 only housing sometime in fall 2024. 
  • If a student is certain that they will be studying abroad in Fall 2024, don't register for 2024-2025 housing. Registration for spring 2025 housing only will open sometime during fall 2024. 

Students Studying Abroad in Spring 2025:

  • Please register for 2024-2025 housing. A student will then cancel their spring 2025 housing sometime in fall 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions: 2024-2025 Housing Registration

Housing Registration and Assignment Priority

Is Choose Your Room Type still the method of getting assigned to a room?

No, for 2024-2025 housing registration (during General Housing Registration), students will create a ranked preference list of residence halls and room types. Campus Living & Residential Education will used that ranked list to assign students to halls and rooms as high as possible on their list.

During housing registration for the 2023-2024 academic year, Campus Living & Residential Education experimented with a method of housing registration that allowed returning students to directly choose their residence hall and room type ("Choose Your Room Type"), guaranteeing assignment there after selection. While successful in providing students choice in where they live, as we introduce the new GW Home portal, we are conducting housing registration for 2024-2025 with a method every student knows: creating a ranked preference list of residence halls and room types. Each year, new first-year students use this method and it has widespread understanding among the GW student community.

Each year, Campus Living & Residential Education assesses the needs of students and trends in housing registration methods. Concepts like Choose Your Room Type could return for future academic years as the GW student community gains familiarity and comfort using the GW Home portal.

Do some students register for housing earlier than others based on class year or need?

No, the only period of housing registration that happens earlier than any other is Room Renewal. Room Renewal offers students the chance to keep their current room for the upcoming year, if eligible and desired. Once Room Renewal is complete, all other returning undergraduate students in need of housing or required to live on-campus register for housing at the same time (General Housing Registration)

Are rising 4th or 5th year students given priority in housing assignments over rising 3rd year students?

No, the only priority given in housing assignments based on class year is that rising 3rd/4th/5th year students are given priority in housing assignments over rising 2nd year students.

Are 4th-year students given priority to live in South Hall?

No. South Hall is open to rising to both 4th- and 3rd-year students. As third- and fourth-year students register for housing they will be add South Hall room types to their ranked preference list.

I didn't participate in Room Renewal because I thought I'd get assigned to a more preferred residence hall, and didn't get assigned there. Can I still participate in Room Renewal?

No. Unfortunately, once the Room Renewal period has concluded, that option is no longer available. Please plan accordingly based your desire to keep or not keep your current room through Room Renewal.

Residence Halls and Class Years

Why are some residence halls only available for 2nd year students starting next year?

Each year, Campus Living & Residential Education assesses the needs of students and gets feedback from residents about their on-campus living experience. Creating further definition in the second year experience in residence halls is a goal of Campus Living & Residential Education, helping students in their second year of college navigate life at GW in ways most relevant to them. Students in the second year of college often have different needs than students in their 3rd or 4th year of college, and creating 2nd year communities allows Campus Living & Residential Education to tailor engagement opportunities towards a communities exclusively made up of students in their second year of college.

Will all rising 2nd-year students live in a 2nd-year residence hall?

No, based on the residence halls designated as 2nd-year halls for the 2024-2025 academic year, about 40% of 2nd-year students will live in a 2nd-year residence hall. Other rising 2nd-year students will live in upperclass residence halls, where 3rd and 4th year students also live.

As a rising 3rd, 4th, or 5th year student, can I live in a residence hall designated for only 2nd-year students?

Generally, no. Rising 3rd, 4th, or 5th year students will live in residence halls they are eligible for. The only exception to this may be rare instances when a DSS housing accommodation must be met and the only room available is in a 2nd-year residence hall.

Registering for Housing with a DSS Housing Accommodation

Do I have to go through the Room Renewal process as a student with a DSS housing accommodation?

No. Students with DSS housing accommodations on file are not required to participate in Room Renewal, and many students aren't eligible to participate. If Room Renewal is not a student's desired outcome, or available to a student, CLRE will work to find a room that fits a student's needs.

My needs aren't on file through DSS. Will this be a problem when I go to register for housing?

All students who believe they have a need for housing-based accommodation need to request an accommodation with Disability Support Services.

Can I create a roommate group with students who do not have a DSS housing accommodation in this process?

Yes. The student with the DSS housing accommodation on file should create a roommate group and can invite any students to their roommate group regardless of DSS accommodations.

I'm a rising 2nd-year student and my approved housing accommodation can only be met by living in South Hall. Am I eligible to live there?

Yes, in this instance we make exceptions to our policy that South Hall is only open to 3rd and 4th-year students. We will first look to assign a 2nd-year student to a different building that meets their housing accommodation, and then assign to South Hall only if no other buildings and room types can meet the housing accommodation.

While we have this policy, meeting the needs of students with disabilities is more important than the policy. If a rising 2nd-year student with a housing accommodation has rising 2nd-year roommates and is assigned to South Hall, the roommates will also be eligible to live in the South Hall room.

Why aren't students with approved housing accommodations for animals given priority in housing assignment?

Over the past year, we have seen an increase in the number of students who are approved for room-type based housing accommodations. Examples of these can include: fully single room, rooms with private kitchens, rooms no larger than doubles, or fully accessible rooms.

We must prioritize those accommodations during housing registration to ensure we can meet their need through their room assignment.

Campus Living & Residential Education and Disability Support Services jointly determine that students whose only housing-based accommodation is for an approved animal will not be provided priority in housing assignment. Should you have a housing accommodation for an approved animal and are eligible for Room Renewal, we encourage you to keep your room if desired.

Cancelling Housing or Studying Abroad

Do I need to preemptively cancel or opt out of housing to live off-campus as a rising 3rd- or 4th-year student?

No. If you are a rising 3rd- or 4th-year student who does not desire to live on campus, no further action is required.

What happens if I registered to live on campus as a rising 3rd- or 4th-year student but now no longer want to?

Rising 3rd- and 4th-year students who registered for housing and were given an assignment are able to cancel their housing through their GW Home Portal.

Rising 3rd and 4th-year students who cancel their housing to live off-campus before June 30 at 5:00 PM EST will not be charged a cancellation fee. Rising 3rd- and 4th-year students who cancel after that time will be charged a $1,000 cancelation fee.

Please note that the cancellation fee will not be charged to students who cancel for reasons such as studying abroad, graduating, transferring, or taking a leave of absence.

I'm planning on studying abroad in the upcoming Fall semester. Should I register for housing?

If you are considering or unsure about studying abroad in the Fall you should still register for housing for the next academic year, and then cancel your next academic year housing once your study abroad plan/program is confirmed. You can then register for spring only housing sometime in the upcoming fall semester.

If you are certain that you will be studying abroad in the fall semester of the next academic year, do not register for housing. Registration for spring semester housing only will open sometime during the upcoming fall semester.

I'm planning on studying abroad in the upcoming Spring semester. Should I register for housing?

Yes, please register for housing for the next academic year. During the upcoming fall semester you will then cancel your spring housing.

If I cancel my Fall semester housing because I'm studying abroad in the fall, am I guaranteed to be placed into the specific room and/or building I want for the following Spring semester?

We are unable to guarantee specific room placements for those returning from fall abroad for the Spring semester, though we will attempt to honor all requests we are able to.

I'm considering transferring from GW after this semester. Should I register for housing?

If you are considering or unsure about transferring after the spring semester, you should still register for housing for the upcoming academic year, and then cancel your academic year housing once your transfer is confirmed.

If you are certain that you will be transferring after the spring semester, do not register for academic year housing.


2024-2025 Housing REGISTRATION Updates

Thursday, February 1  |  Announcing the 2024-2025 Academic Year Housing Registration Process

Friday, February 2  |  2024-2025 Housing Registration Guidance for Students with Housing Accommodations

Wednesday, February 14  |  Now Open! Room Renewal Registration for AY 2024-2025

Tuesday, February 20  |  Reminder: Room Renewal Closes Tomorrow!

Friday, February 23  |  Confirming Your 2024-2025 Housing Assignment (Room Renewal)

Wednesday, February 28  |  Register Now! 2024-2025 General Housing Registration is Open

Monday, March 11  |  2024-2025 Housing Registration Deadline Extended to March 20!


2024-2025 Housing at GW Information Session
Tuesday, February 6