Room Renewal
2025-2026 Room Renewal
We know that some of our students love their current rooms, and if given the opportunity would choose to live there again for another year. All students who live in buildings eligible for “Room Renewal” and want to keep their room for the 2025-2026 academic year can renew their room for the next academic year.
If opting in to the room renewal process, each student must register for housing while Room Renewal is open. If a student fails to individually register for Room Renewal housing during the published opened dates they forfeit their right to hold their current room for the 2025-2026 academic year. CLRE cannot guarantee a student will be placed in the current room for the 2025-2026 academic year if the room renewal registration is not completed within the published timeline.
Note about Room Renewal: If you do not fill up your entire space, you will be consolidated with another room renewal to fill all vacancies. This means that you may not be assigned to the exact room number that you currently live in. Room Renewal still guarantees that you will be assigned to the same building and room type that you currently reside in.
Room Renewal Timeline
Students may begin to complete roommate matching questions, form roommate groups, and search for potential roommates in GW Home portal | Thursday, January 16 at 12:00 PM EST |
Room Renewal Opens | Tuesday, January 28 at 12:00 PM EST |
Room Renewal Closes | Tuesday, February 11 at 4:00 PM EST |
Please note that any student choosing to participate in the room renewal process is only guaranteed the space assigned to them as of January 28, 2025. Room Renewal cannot be guaranteed for any room changes or new assignments that happen after January 28, 2025.
2025-2026 Housing Rates
Review 2025-2026 housing costs. Meal plans and associated rates are published on the GW Dining website.
Steps to Take to Participate in Room Renewal
While Room renewal opens on Tuesday, January 28, students can begin some initial steps today.
- Step #1: Create Roommate Groups (If Pulling-In Friends Into Anticipated Vacant Spaces)
Available Beginning January 16.
Students planning to renew their room and pull-in friends who don't currently live in the room into anticipated open spaces should create a roommate group with those friends.
- The student renewing their space in the room should create the group and be the Group Leader. Friends being pulled-into the room should be members of the group
- If everyone in a current room wants to renew their space to live together for the 2025-2026 academic year, creating a roommate group isn't necessary. Each person should renew their room individually.
Students may begin complete roommate matching questions, form roommate groups, and search for potential roommates in their GW Home portal starting Thursday, January 16.
- Step #2: Individual Renewing Space Completes Room Renewal Housing Registration
Students renewing their room should complete the Room Renewal process between Tuesday, January 28 at 12:00 PM EST and Tuesday, February 11 at 4:00 PM EST.
If a student is pulling-in friends who don't currently live in the room into anticipated open spaces, those friends must first wait for their group member to renew their room.
- Step #3: Group Members Getting Pulled-Into Room Complete Room Renewal Housing Registration
Available Jan. 28 - Feb. 11
If a student is pulling-in friends who don't currently live in the room into anticipated open spaces, once the group member renews their room, other group members being pulled-in may then complete their Room Renewal housing registration by choosing a meal plan and signing their Housing License Agreement.
Students must complete Room Renewal housing registration by Tuesday, February 11 at 4:00 PM EST.
Prior to February 19, Campus Living & Residential Education will officially confirm via email housing assignments all students who participated in Room Renewal.
2025-2026 Residents Eligible & Ineligible Room Renewal
Eligible Residents of: | Ineligible Residents of: |
Frequently Asked Questions: Room Renewal
- If I participate in the Room Renewal process, can I still cancel my housing later if I change my mind about living on campus?
No. Students who participate in the room renewal process will not be allowed to cancel their housing unless they are leaving the university (withdrawing, transferring, taking a leave of absence, studying abroad). You should only participate in the room renewal process if you are certain that you want to keep your space for the entire 2025-2026 academic year.
- If I participate in the Room Renewal process, can I leave my belongings in my room over the summer?
No, any student who is not permitted to live on campus over the summer has to move all of their items out of their Spring assignment room by their designated spring move-out date. If a student is interested in staying on campus over the summer they should review summer housing registration.
- Does every roommate in the room have to agree to renew their room for us all to be eligible to live there in the academic year?
No, but you do need to fill the space. If all roommates make the decision to keep their space, then all roommates remain in the room for the following academic year. For example, if 2 out of the 4 roommates make the decision to keep their space, then the two roommates will have the opportunity to pull in people they know to those vacancies. If you do not fill up the space, you will be consolidated with another room renewal to fill all vacancies.
- My roommate is not choosing Room Renewal, but I have a friend who wants to live with me next year. Can they live with me?
Yes. If a student wants to pull in friends who don't currently live in their room, they will be able to do so during this time period as long as there is an anticipated vacancy in the space. To bring in a friend, the resident of the desired room will invite their friend or desired roommate into a roommate group that will then fill the vacant space(s).
- I want to live in my current room next year but I don't want to live with my current roommate. Is there a process for me to claim the room for me and another student before my current roommate?
No. Each student has an individual opportunity to choose to renew their space independently of their roommate(s) plans/desires. If a roommate wants to stay, they have the option to do so, even if that is not the desired outcome of the current roommate(s). We strongly encourage all current residents of a room to discuss their future plans before finalizing their Room Renewal decisions. Your Community Coordinator is a fantastic resource to help you navigate any concerns you have around the Room Renewal choices you and your roommates are discussing.
- Can I use Room Renewal to hold my room for the next academic year and register for housing through the standard process to see if I get a better option?
No, once you receive an assignment through the Room Renewal process, you have completed your housing registration. You will not be able to go through the General Housing Registration process once you receive an assignment through Room Renewal.
- If I participate in the Room Renewal process and plan to be approved for summer housing, can I stay within my current room?
If you plan to be register for summer housing and have opted into the Room Renewal process, it is possible for a student to keep their room as their summer assignment. These students should refer to summer housing registration for guidance.
- I have a DSS accommodation and want to choose room renewal as my current room meets all of my needs. Does my DSS accommodation affect my ability to take part in the room renewal process?
No. Any student who is currently in a room and building that is Room Renewal-eligible will be able to participate in the Room Renewal process. If your current room falls into this category and meets your needs, we strongly recommend that you consider using the Room Renewal process to ensure you continue to have a room that meets your accommodation.
- If I only lived on-campus in the Fall semester, am I eligible for Room Renewal for my past fall room?
No, Room Renewal is determined by the room a student lives in as of the start of the Room Renewal period: January 28, 2025. Fall semester residents who are not living on campus in the Spring semester should register for housing through the General Housing Registration process.
- If I live on-campus for the start of Spring semester but have moved out already, am I eligible for Room Renewal for my past spring room?
No, Room Renewal is determined by the room a student lives in as of the start of the Room Renewal period: January 28, 2025. Students who lived on campus for the start of Spring semester, but have already moved out, should register for housing through the Choose Your Room Type registration process.
- If I plan on studying abroad in the Fall, can I use Room Renewal to keep my current room for the following Spring?
No, we will ask that students studying abroad in the Fall semester cancel their upcoming academic year housing upon confirmation of your study abroad program participation. You will then register for Spring semester only housing during the fall semester and be assigned spring housing by the end of the fall.